Walk ins for zoning related business are received between 9-1 on Monday- Friday, no appointments necessary.
To file a complaint, visit our Contact Us page.
Commercial Building Department
To get more information please visit the following link EATON Township Regional Inspection Services​.
Commercial Building Permit application
Zoning Department
Eaton Township is zoned for the safety and protection of the property owners as well as for providing a means of controlling the location and type of Township development. Eaton Township has hired a consultant to assist in developing a Comprehensive Land Use Plan that will be used as a guide for planning for future Township development.
Eaton Township Zoning Department is divided into three parts:
Zoning Commission
Writes the laws
Board of Zoning Appeals
Acts as the judiciary part
Zoning Inspector
Enforces the Zoning Resolution
Zoning Maps
Township Zoning Map
Eaton Township Zoning Map is current, it was revised 04-28-2018.
Please contact the Zoning Department at (440) 748-6706 if you have any questions.
To view the Township Zoning map click on the button below.
Township Fire Hydrant Map
This Hydrant map is current, it was revised in 2017.
To view the Township Fire Hydrant map click on the button below.
NOACA Facility Planning Area Map
To view the NOACA Facility Planning Area Map click on the button below.
Zoning Commission
The Eaton Township Zoning Commission was created with the adoption of Township Zoning on November 7, 1950. The Commission is composed of five residents who are appointed by the Trustees to serve a five-year term. Every year, one Board member’s term expires, and they may be reappointed. This method assures that there will always be persons with experience remaining on the Board. The Zoning Commission is charged with the duty of writing the Eaton Township Zoning Resolution and with amending the book as needed to keep up with changes and progress. As provided by the Ohio Revised Code, the Trustees, the Zoning Commission, or anyone wishing to file for a Zoning Amendment may recommend changes to the Zoning Resolution. Both the Zoning Commission and the Trustees hold public hearings before any changes are made to the Zoning Resolution. The Zoning Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are open to the public. If you wish to address the Board, please call the secretary at (440) 748-2236 and request to be put on the agenda.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals is composed of five members who are appointed by the Trustees to serve a five-year term. Every year, one Board member’s term expires, and they may be reappointed. This method assures that there will always be persons with experience remaining on the Board. The duties of the Eaton Township Board of Zoning Appeals are specifically spelled out in the Eaton Township Zoning Resolution, and are as follows: 1) Hear and decide appeals, 2) Consider Variance Requests, and 3) Grant Conditional Use Zoning Permits.
The Board of Zoning Appeals meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at 12043 Avon Belden Road (meetings are subject to cancellation without notice due to lack of agenda items). All meetings are open to the public. Contact the Zoning Inspector at (440) 748-6706 for requests for an appeal, zoning variance or conditional use permit.
A Guide to Managing your BMP Retention/Detention Basins
Click here to watch this video designed for distribution to HOA’s and commercial sites in order to start a dialogue with them on the subject of retention/detention basin maintenance. The DVD intentionally does not include specific remedies and/or problems that basins may encounter. The intent of the DVD is to make those responsible for maintenance of these Post-Construction BMP’s more aware of the responsibilities they have and hopefully make them want to contact the township about what specific design items they need to inspect and be aware of.